The imseCAVE is a full body immersive and interactive visualization system that provides extremely vivid stereoscopic views of sceneries in 3-D designed. The system is developed based on the technologies of distributed and interactive virtual reality, with real-time motion capture capability.
The imseCAVE is originally designed and developed by the Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, The University of Hong Kong. It is a low cost, high-performance virtual reality system that is versatile and powerful for cost-effective design, analysis and evaluation of complex engineering systems and operations; e-training and e-learning.
In practice, the system can be readily configured quickly to provide an immersive virtual environment for users to obtain firsthand experience of such environment without the limitations of time and space. The system can also be used for training and skill evaluation, a tool for complex system analysis and design such as in the development of products, buildings, and other facilities. In addition, user interfaces such as data gloves, trackers, joysticks, motion platform can be readily connected to the imseCAVE for enhanced immersiveness and interactivity of the virtual environment.

The imseDOME is an immersive, dome-shaped 360-degree projection system. It features extra high resolution with edge-blended images from multiple projectors. Together with the content such as 360 movies or real-time interactive applications, the audiences are completely embraced by computer-generated images and immersed in virtual worlds.
+852 3709 2675
Smart-Space 3C+ Level 8, Core C
Cyberport 3, Cyberport Rd, Pok Fu Lam
Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind

About Us
Hactis Limited is founded by researchers in the Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, The University of Hong Kong in 2015 under the TSSSU@HKU scheme. HACTIS also became a member of the Cyberport Incubation Programme in 2017.
Our vision is to provide the best bespoke virtual reality (VR) solutions to create a community of VR users to deploy VR effectively to excel in their business and profession.
We provide innovative and cost effective VR systems, in particular the imseCAVE designed by the founders of the company who are experts in the field who have solid track record in creating working immersive VR systems for both education and industrial sectors.